
Job Description is a service from, a part of The New York Times Company. LifeWire is a content provider for such organizations as the New York Times,, CNN and others.

LifeWire employes over 200 freelance writers who write articles on demand for LifeWire's many cleints.

The LW web site is a complete and extrmely feature rich publishing system. All aspects of the article creation process are managed thought the web site. The freelance writer approval process, article assignment, editing and editorial flow; even automated document delivery are done through

LifeWire is the largest project to date that LiquidCMS has been involved with as the site includes over 150 modules; many of which have been customed designed specifically for LW. Many of these modules have been contributed back to the Drupal community.

Some of the more impressive modules designed by LiquidCMS for the LW project include:

  • Authenticate: a plagiarism search engine framework
  • Autosave: saves article edits in the background in case browser dies unexpectadly
  • Life Diff: provides inline difference view ebtween article revisions
  • Tiny Fields: provides powerful mechanism for specifiying which fields TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor is enabled on
  • and others.

Project Details

  • Commercial


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