Beware of long View names.
I was debugging a Views block the other day and couldn't figure out why it wasn't hitting my block tpl. Pretty scary why it wasn't..
but first some background.
the view: product_category_reviews
display id: block_1
Standard Drupal block theming will pick up block.tpl.php unless it finds something earlier in the $template_files that it can use.
In D5 our tpl was: block-views-product_categories_reviews.tpl.php
in D6, we need to include display id in this so tpl would become: block-views-product_categories_reviews -block_1.tpl.php
BUT.. this wasn't being hit...
when I put a breakpoint in block.tpl.php and looked at the $template_files var, the array was:
[0] block-content_bottom (this is the region the block is in)
[1] block-views
[2] block-views-ba843477361f490ca5c9e42548f0127d
which means Drupal is looking for a tpl named: block-views-ba843477361f490ca5c9e42548f0127d.tpl.php
and again.. what the hell??
turns out that Views (lord know why it doesn't just complain about this) has a view name that with the display id on it exceeds 32 characters.. it hashes the name for internal use for things like tpls.
since "product_categories_reviews -block_1" exceeds 32 characters...
I changed the view name to our_reviews and changed the tpl to block-views-our_reviews-block_1.tpl.php and sure enough.. we're good to go!!